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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Sims, The : Online System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-10-23 20:36:29 Views : 26276 Sleepwalking: Make sure there is a bed by the wall. Put your Sim to bed, then after they are asleep, go into buy mode and put something in the way of them from getting up. Return to live mode. Click on something such as going to the bathroom or sitting on a couch. They will try to get up, will not be able to, and lay back down. Then, go back into buy mode and move the item. You can now go back into live mode and be sleep walking. To check on this, click on yourself and it should read "Wake up". This will help keep your fun, energy, and social levels up. However, stay away from noises like computers, radios, and the television. Also, do not take a shower or you will wake up. You cannot do transactions with another Sim in this condition, but can do whatever you want. Super glue laptop: Have two people choose the same laptop at the same time. It will split into two laptops, and one of those Sims will not be able to put it down. Find someone quickly: Note: This trick is most useful in large properties. If you want to find someone fast, right click on their face and it will take you to them. Pop-up books: Enable the "Super glue food" trick, then read a book or study. The McFlurry will appear from the book like a pop-up. Super glue food: Buy a McFlurry, and when the attendant hands it to you, X it out in the middle of the process. You can do almost anything that you normally can, but with a McFlurry held. Note: If you eat or drink, the McFlurry will disappear. This trick will not help your hunger. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Sims, The : Online cheat codes.
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